
This blog will take you on a journey as I explore children's books and discover which ones I love. You will follow me as I voice my opinions about reading and the importance it should have in school. I believe in the magic of reading and hope to teach that to my future students.

Monday, June 25, 2012


I choose to talk about poetry is because the author I studied, Janet Wong, is famous for her poetry collections. I have always loved poetry and anything written in free verse. However, I think poetry can be one of the hardest types of literature to explain to students. The best way to introduce poetry to younger students is through nursery rhymes and lullabies that they are familiar with. The benefits of poetry are that you are able evoke emotions. There are a many types of poetry including folk poems, lyrical, narrative, free verse, nonsense verse, sonnets, ballads, limericks, haiku, and concrete poems. When teaching poetry you do not focus on characters or plots as much as you focus on rhythm and imagery. I think poetry contributes largely to writing skills because often times when teaching poetry you then challenge students to create a poem of their own whether it be a haiku or limerick. Poetry allows for emotions and for words to become beautiful in a rhythmical way.

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